
There are a number of useful/quick scripts you can run to do a quick test/demonstration of various features of ManiSkill.

Demo Random Actions#

The fastest and quickest demo is the random actions demo. Run

python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -h

for a full list of available commands.

Some recommended examples that cover a number of features of ManiSkill

Tasks in Realistic Scenes (ReplicaCAD dataset example)

python -m mani_skill.utils.download_asset "ReplicaCAD"
python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -e "ReplicaCAD_SceneManipulation-v1" \
  --render-mode="rgb_array" --record-dir="videos" # run headless and save video
python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -e "ReplicaCAD_SceneManipulation-v1" \
  --render-mode="human" # run with GUI

To turn ray-tracing on for more photo-realistic rendering, you can add --shader="rt" or --shader="rt-fast

python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -e "ReplicaCAD_SceneManipulation-v1" \
  --render-mode="human" --shader="rt-fast" # faster ray-tracing option but lower quality

Tasks with multiple robots

python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -e "TwoRobotStackCube-v1" \
SAPIEN GUI two robot stack cube task

Tasks with dextrous hand

python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -e "RotateValveLevel2-v1" \
SAPIEN GUI showing the rotate valve level 2 task

Tasks with simulated tactile sensing

python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -e "RotateSingleObjectInHandLevel3-v1" \
SAPIEN GUI showing the rotate single object in hand task

To quickly demo tasks that support simulating different objects and articulations (with different dofs) across parallel environments see the GPU Simulation section

GPU Simulation#

To benchmark the GPU simulation on the PickCube-v1 task with 4096 parallel tasks you can run

python -m mani_skill.examples.benchmarking.gpu_sim -e "PickCube-v1" -n 4096

To save videos of the visual observations the agent would get (in this case it is just rgb and depth) you can run

python -m mani_skill.examples.benchmarking.gpu_sim -e "PickCube-v1" -n 64 \
  --save-video --render-mode="sensors"

it should run quite fast! (3000+ fps on a 4090, you can increase the number envs for higher FPS). You can change --render-mode="rgb_array" to render from higher quality cameras.

To try out the diverse parallel simulation features you can run

python -m mani_skill.examples.benchmarking.gpu_sim -e "PickSingleYCB-v1" -n 64 \
  --save-video --render-mode="sensors"
python -m mani_skill.examples.benchmarking.gpu_sim -e "OpenCabinetDrawer-v1" -n 64 \
  --save-video --render-mode="sensors"

which shows two tasks that have different objects and articulations in every parallel environment. Below is an example for the OpenCabinetDrawer task.

More details and performance benchmarking results can be found on this page

Interactive Control#

Click+Drag Teleoperation:

Simple tool where you can click and drag the end-effector of the Panda robot arm to solve various tasks. You just click+drag, press “n” to move to the position you dragged to, “g” to toggle on/off grasping, and repeat. Press “q” to quit and save a video of the result.

python -m mani_skill.examples.teleoperation.interactive_panda -e "StackCube-v1" 

See main page for more details about how to use this tool (for demo and data collection). The video below shows the system running.

Motion Planning Solutions#

We provide some motion planning solutions/demos for the panda arm on some tasks, you can try it now and record demonstrations with the following:

python -m -e "PickCube-v1" # runs headless and only saves video
python -m -e "StackCube-v1" --vis # opens up the GUI
python -m -h # open up a help menu and also show what tasks have solutions

Example below shows what it looks like with the GUI:

For more details check out the motion planning page

Visualize Pointcloud Data#

You can run the following to visualize the pointcloud observations (require’s a display to work)

pip install "pyglet<2" # make sure to install this dependency
python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_vis_pcd -e "StackCube-v1"

Visualize Segmentation Data#

You can run the following to visualize the segmentation data

python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_vis_segmentation -e "StackCube-v1"
python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_vis_segmentation -e "StackCube-v1" \
  --id id_of_part # mask out everything but the selected part

Visualize RGBD Data#

You can run the following to visualize the rgbd data

python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_vis_rgbd -e "StackCube-v1"

Visualize Reset Distributions#

Determining how difficult a task might be for ML algorithms like reinforcement learning and imitation learning can heavily depend on the reset distribution of the task. To see what the reset distribution of any task (the result of repeated env.reset calls) looks like you can run the following to save a video to the videos folder

python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_reset_distribution -e "PegInsertionSide-v1" --record-dir="videos"

Visualize Any Robot#

Run the following to open a viewer displaying any robot given in a empty scene with just a floor. You can also specify different keyframes if there are any pre-defined to visualize.

python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_robot -r "panda"