
ManiSkill is a robotics simulator built on top of SAPIEN. It provides a standard Gym/Gymnasium interface for easy use with existing learning workflows like RL and imitation learning. Moreover ManiSkill supports simulation on both the GPU and CPU, as well as fast parallelized rendering.

Gym Interface#

Here is a basic example of how to make a ManiSkill task following the interface of Gymnasium and run a random policy.

import gymnasium as gym
import mani_skill.envs

env = gym.make(
    "PickCube-v1", # there are more tasks e.g. "PushCube-v1", "PegInsertionSide-v1", ...
    obs_mode="state", # there is also "state_dict", "rgbd", ...
    control_mode="pd_ee_delta_pose", # there is also "pd_joint_delta_pos", ...
print("Observation space", env.observation_space)
print("Action space", env.action_space)

obs, _ = env.reset(seed=0) # reset with a seed for determinism
done = False
while not done:
    action = env.action_space.sample()
    obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
    done = terminated or truncated
    env.render()  # a display is required to render

Changing num_envs to a value > 1 will automatically turn on the GPU simulation mode. More quick details covered below

You can also run the same code from the command line to demo random actions

python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -e PickCube-v1 # run headless
python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -e PickCube-v1 --render-mode="human" # run with A GUI

Running with render_mode="human" will open up a GUI shown below that you can use to interactively explore the scene, pause/play the script, teleport objects around, and more.

SAPIEN GUI showing the PickCube task

We also have demos for simulations of more interesting scenes like ReplicaCAD, which can be run by doing

python -m mani_skill.utils.download_asset "ReplicaCAD"
python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -e "ReplicaCAD_SceneManipulation-v1" --render-mode="rgb_array" --record-dir="videos" # run headless and save video
python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -e "ReplicaCAD_SceneManipulation-v1" --render-mode="human" # run with GUI (recommended!)

To try out ray-tracing for more photorealistic rendering (which can also be turned on in the render tab of the GUI) as shown below you can do

python -m mani_skill.utils.download_asset "ReplicaCAD"
python -m mani_skill.examples.demo_random_action -e "ReplicaCAD_SceneManipulation-v1" --render-mode="human" --shader="rt-fast"

You may notice that everything returned by the environment is a torch Tensor and has a batch dimension with value 1. To reduce extra code handling numpy vs torch, cpu vs gpu sim, everything in ManiSkill defaults to serving/using batched torch Tensors of all data. To change the environment to serve numpy, unbatched data simply do the following

from mani_skill.utils.wrappers.gymnasium import ManiSkillCPUGymWrapper
env = gym.make(env_id)
env = ManiSkillCPUGymWrapper(env)
obs, _ = env.reset() # obs is numpy and unbatched

For a compilation of demos you can run without having to write any extra code check out the demos page

GPU Parallelized/Vectorized Tasks#

ManiSkill is powered by SAPIEN which supports GPU parallelized physics simulation and GPU parallelized rendering. This enables achieving 200,000+ state-based simulation FPS and 10,000+ FPS with rendering on a single 4090 GPU. For full benchmarking results see this page

In order to run massively parallelized tasks on a GPU, it is as simple as adding the num_envs argument to gym.make as so

import gymnasium as gym
import mani_skill.envs

env = gym.make(
print(env.observation_space) # will now have shape (16, ...)
print(env.action_space) # will now have shape (16, ...)

obs, _ = env.reset(seed=0) # reset with a seed for determinism
for i in range(200):
    action = env.action_space.sample() # this is batched now
    obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
    done = terminated | truncated
    print(f"Obs shape: {obs.shape}, Reward shape {reward.shape}, Done shape {done.shape}")
    # note at the moment we do not support showing all parallel sub-scenes 
    # at once on a GUI, only during observation generation/video recording

Note that as long as the GPU simulation is being used, all values returned by env.step and env.reset are batched and are torch tensors. With CPU simulation (num_envs=1), we keep to the standard gymnasium format and return unbatched numpy values. In general however, to make programming easier by default everything inside ManiSkill is kept as torch CPU/GPU tensors whenever possible, with the only exceptions being the return values of env.step and env.reset.

To benchmark the parallelized simulation, you can run

python -m mani_skill.examples.benchmarking.gpu_sim --num-envs=1024

To try out the parallelized rendering, you can run

# rendering RGB + Depth data from all cameras
python -m mani_skill.examples.benchmarking.gpu_sim --num-envs=64 --obs-mode="rgbd"
# directly save 64 videos of the visual observations put into one video
python -m mani_skill.examples.benchmarking.gpu_sim --num-envs=64 --save-video

which will look something like this

Task Instantiation Options#

Each ManiSkill task supports different observation modes and control modes, which determine its observation space and action space. They can be specified by gym.make(env_id, obs_mode=..., control_mode=...).

The common observation modes are state, rgbd, pointcloud. We also support state_dict (states organized as a hierarchical dictionary) and sensor_data (raw visual observations without postprocessing). Please refer to Observation for more details.

We support a wide range of controllers. Different controllers can have different effects on your algorithms. Thus, it is recommended to understand the action space you are going to use. Please refer to Controllers for more details.

Some tasks require downloading assets that are not stored in the python package itself. You can download task-specific assets by python -m mani_skill.utils.download_asset ${ENV_ID}. The assets will be downloaded to ~/maniskill/data by default, but you can also use the environment variable MS_ASSET_DIR to change this destination. Please refer to Tasks for all tasks built in out of the box, and which tasks require downloading assets.

Some ManiSkill tasks also support swapping robot embodiments such as the PickCube-v1 task. You can try using the fetch robot instead by running

gym.make("PickCube-v1", robot_uids="fetch")

You may also notice the argument is robot_uids plural, this is because we also support tasks with multiple robots which can be done by passing in tuple like robot_uids=("fetch", "fetch", "panda"). Note that not all tasks support loading any robot or multiple robots as they were designed to evaluate those settings.